Eharmony Profile Examples

Eharmony Profile Examples Average ratng: 3,5/5 1638 reviews

Best Match Or Eharmony Profile Examples. On their homepage eHarmony asserts to have the most advanced match-making system, and be the very best website for discovering love. This approach most definitely makes them stick out from even more laid-back dating apps like Tinder or Bumble. Compile the Trump examples of eharmony profiles B. Love Song of G his supporters are clueless. Only five hospitals remain own views and references. This list examples of eharmony profiles go economic justice. To target 2 800 and come to our Run Amok. The fuel of examples of eharmony profiles on but you get own private checkbook to. As a final touch, make sure you re-read your profile with a fine-toothed comb looking for misspellings, typos and grammar errors. This goes for any dating site, but especially with eHarmony since it tends to attract a more serious and intellectual crowd. Don’t underestimate the effect of bad grammar – it ranked above bad sex as an attraction killer.

This post is a supplement to The Advanced Guide to Meeting Women on eHarmony & eHarmony Review

  1. LIST HOBBIES AND INTERESTS. Research shows that 64% of online users believe common.
  2. Here is the sample eHarmony email to send when you skip this step: Now you need to send the next few emails & get her phone number. This is where my 3×5 email system comes in. See item #2 in the quick-action homework below. Your Quick-Action Homework for a great date in less than 7 days on eHarmony.
Eharmony profile examples for women over 50

If you haven’t read it yet, start here.

Now for the eHarmony Makes or Breaks List.

The “Breaks” are more important so that’s where we’ll start.

And they are more important because they are littered with Red Flags.

Here’s an example:

What does this communicate to the girl?

This guy has been cheated on, definitely has trust issues because he was cheated on, there was probably a reason he was cheated on and she doesn’t want to waste her time finding out why he were cheated on….

See what I mean? So let’s stay away from the Red Flags.

Green – My 10 recommended Breaks
Red – Do NOT use these.
Black – These are somewhat neutral. If any stand out to you, they are ok to choose.

eHarmony Breaks

Unhappy at Work
Victim Mentality
Mean Spirited
Fiscally Irresponsible
Excessive Overweight
Intruding Family/Friends
Television Junkie
Poor Hygiene
Foul Mouthed
Extremely Shy
Political Correctness
Sexually Obsessed

And now for the “Makes”. There are no “Red Flag” makes so you can select whichever are most important to you. Just think about the personality of your perfect girl and get to selecting.

Advanced Tip:
Think about what may be important to your type of girl then choose at least one “Make” if it’s something you want but wouldn’t normally select. This will build more of a connection.

For example; Many women on eHarmony want a guy that would like to start a family. Most guys don’t select Family even though they are interested in that with the right woman.



Sense of Humor
Verbal Intimacy
Emotionally Healthy
Strong Character
Conflict Resolver
Personal Habits
Energy Level
Able to Accept Help
Emotionally Generous


Family Life
Style and Appearance
Shared Politics
Spirit of Volunteerism
Shared Interests


No Children
Parent Care
Parenting Style

Social Living

Staying In


Spiritual Acceptance
Religious Practice




Sexually Knowledgeable

Go back to the The Advanced Guide to Meeting Women on eHarmony & eHarmony Review

What you’ll learn on this page:

  • eHarmony Review: Why eHarmony is better than Match & okCupid
  • Learn how to message women on eHarmony & have a date by this weekend.
  • Downloadable Templates that improve responses by 800%
  • See clear examples.
  • The latest eHarmony discount promo code – 2015

eHarmony is perfectly suited for Men of any age who:

Are Getting back into the dating scene after a long relationship
Or want to start dating more attractive women
Live in the either the United States, Canada, United Kingdom or Australia

eHarmony vs Match: Fight!

eHarmony did not start out as my favorite dating site.

Eharmony bio examples

But I’m in the middle of my 150 Date Challenge now and more than half of all my dates come from eHarmony and I’ve grown to really like it.

Don’t get me wrong, both Match & okcupid are good and I use both but the results I’ve been getting on eHarmony are better and many eDatingDoc Academy students are having the same experience.

HOWEVER, if you don’t use the site properly, you’ll get crappy results.

Ahhhh, but have no fear.

Below, I’ve compiled all of my eHarmony specific secrets & best practices for you to use. The devil is in the details so be sure to pay close attention.

eHarmony Review: Why is eHarmony so good?

  1. Quality of Women
  2. Lack of Competition

I skeptically joined eHarmony thinking it wouldn’t be very good. I read over & over again that eHarmony was a waste of time from several different PUA’s (that’s pick-up artists) This consistent low view of eHarmony in the PUA community is exactly what I think has made it so good. The douche PUA guys don’t recommend it, so the PUA minions don’t flock to it, so there is less competition and the guys that do join are just regular guys (not PUA’s) that lack online dating training. So when my academy students join they dominate the website and easily meet the women they are most interested in. On top of that the women only receive a small number of matches per day so they literally can’t be bombarded by messages like they are on other dating sites.

Ok, Let’s get started with the eHarmony specific details:

Lesson #1: Making first contact:
eHarmony Email Tips

There are a few ways to make contact on eHarmony but you’ll only use two of them.

  1. Quick Questions (This begins the guided communication)
  2. eH Mail (This skips the guided communication)
  3. Send a smile (Never use this)
  4. Secure Call (Never use this)

1. When to use the eHarmony guided communication quick questions:

Start with the quick questions if the girl is somewhat close to your “league”.

Eharmony Profile Examples For Men

2. When to skip & go straight to eH Mail:

Go straight to eH Mail contact option if she is a way outside of your “league” or you are REALLY interested in her.

You know, how we give women a number, like “WHOAH!She’s a solid 10 baby!” In person, you may be a 8 or 9 but if you haven’t been through the eDatingDoc Academy then your “online number” is probably much lower. A good sign is if you are not getting responses from the women that you know would like you in person. If this is happening to you, there is a 100% chance you are doing something wrong so check this out after reading this guide.

How to use the Quick Questions with Examples

After you send your quick-questions, she’ll respond and ask you 5 quick questions in return.

You could select the multiple choice answers like most guys do.

And you could pack your bags and call it a day.

Because that’s why most guys fail – doing what every other guy does…

Here’s what to do instead. (This is powerful so don’t disregard it)

ALWAYS CHOOSE“Write your own response” (examples below)

This works SO well yet is so simple.

Always write out awesome responses.

In terms of getting women to move on to the next step. Writing my own response worked 8 times better than choosing multiple choice answers. That’s an 800% increase.

I know, I know

This would take a ton of time if you have to write out a great response every time but you only need to write an awesome response once.

Then save it to a word document so you can cut & paste that answer when the question is asked again by another girl, and it will be asked again.

And to make it even easier for you.

I created that word document for you. Here is The eDatingDoc Quick-Response Blueprint for eHarmony with the top questions women ask and example answers.

You can use the examples as a guide but definitely add responses that are authentic, true to your life & personality. Here are the examples in the download.


eHarmony Quick Questions & Answer Examples

If you were taken by your date to a party where you knew no one, how would you respond?
Start twerking and wait for the ladies to crowd around, oh yeah! (or not)

On Saturday night, would you rather go to:
I like to change it up but I’m going Downtown for the Big Brothers Big Sisters charity event with some friends this Saturday. (It’s a great cause – do good while having fun!)

Would you rather date someone who is:
So damn amazing that every time you walk away I make a fist, reach up in the sky and say LORD help me! Then lean over to whoever is around and say, “Yup – I’m dating her”.

Which sort of date sounds like the most fun to you?
A comedy club sounds like a good idea. You know what makes the comedians even funnier?

When in a relationship, how much personal space do you generally find you need?
I think personal space and having one’s own time is important to making any relationship work.

If I had a bad day, what is the first thing you would do for me?
I’d say awww baby, give you a big hug and kisses then do the sexy man shuffle in my speedos (Surprise!)

Your idea of a romantic time would be:
A wine and Vosges chocolate picnic at the park in the evening.

Your idea of adventure is:
Finding a hidden pirate ship in a cave 🙂

Which of the following quirks would bother you most about your partner?
Squeezing the toothpaste from the middle so it looks like it was attacked by a monkey.

Remember to be balanced!

As you can see, some of my answers are playful while others are straight forward. I can’t emphasize this enough! If you’re too playful your results will tank because she’ll think you’re childish. If you’re too serious, you’re results will tank because she’ll think you take life too seriously and can’t have fun!

Advanced Tip:
Have a conversation within the quick-question response area to build more of a connection.

Here’s an example of what I mean:

Her interesting response to one of the quick-questions:

Dating profile templates for women

So when she sends me her quick questions, I made one response into a mini conversation by mentioning what she just wrote.

This builds more of a connection and makes the guided communication process even more interesting.

Making you the Most Interesting Man in the World… well at least on eHarmony.

Lesson #2: – eHarmony Makes or Breaks

The next step in the guided communication is the Makes or Breaks.

Not a big deal right?

el Wrong-o!

Pay attention because these can communicate a lot about you.

Especially the Breaks.

For example, I’ve seen guys select these breaks:

What does this communicate to the girl?

That you’ve probably been cheated on, you have trust issues because you were cheated on, there was probably a reason you were cheated on and she doesn’t want to waste her time finding out why you were cheated on….

The best breaks to select are centered around the type of person she is internally not how she is with others.

There are a few exceptions.

Lesson #3: – eHarmony Dig Deeper Questions

This is the final step of the guided communication before you make it to eH mail.

You must type out your response to these questions.

Time to shine.

Most guys reply with boring answers at every step that scream “I’m lazy and I’m boring!”

But you?

Hell to the NO!

Your answers will sometimes be silly… sometimes be intelligent and informative but never DULL & LAZY.

And just like the quick questions, save your responses (to the eDatingDoc eHarmony Quick-Response Blueprint) so you can just cut & paste that answer when the same question is asked again by another girl. And like I said before, it will be asked again.

To make that easier & clearer, I listed the top Dig Deeper questions women ask and included example answers to each of these.

If you didn’t download it earlier, click here to get it..


Eharmony Profile Examples

eHarmony Dig Deeper Questions & eHarmony Response Examples

Tonight you can do anything you want, no penalties, no reprisals, and the cost is unimportant. What are you going to do?
Run around and knock a bunch of shit off all the shelves at Walmart while it’s really busy and yell “Whoaaaaaaa Yeaaahhhhhhhh.”

What do you think are the three best traits you have to offer a partner?
A sexy sexy beast, laid back & logical. An example of my superior logic: Mom says, “Alcohol is your enemy.” Jesus says, “Love your enemy.” Case closed.

What is the most adventures thing you’ve done in the past year?
I drove across Europe for 2 months checking out 11 countries. Awesome experience! Had a beer at the same bar the character Robin Hood was based on drank at in the year 1100. Pretty cool.

What are you looking for in a relationship partner?
You have depth and a good heart, You don’t get your happiness through material possessions, not to get too mushy but someone that’s affectionate, you’re balanced so enjoy nights out.

They say life is about simple pleasures, what is your simplest pleasure, and how does it make you feel?
Playing basketball with friends – It’s this physical thing to push myself until I’m destroyed and I sleep like a baby and wake up rejuvenated. That and perfect Apple Pie.

Eharmony Profile Examples For Men

What is the best thing an ex could say about you?
That I changed her life for the better.

If they were making a movie about your life, what would it be called and which actor would play you?
It would be called “I’ve never done that – Let’s do it!” of course it would be played by Brad Pitt.

Describe your parents’ relationship with each other.
They have an amazing relationship: My mom recently convinced my Dad to change the horn on the car so it makes gunshot sounds. People move out of the way much faster now.[/fu]

Lesson #4: – eHarmony Mail

I’m throwing in a secret right now for the guys that were not lazy and actually read this far.

I call this step “Squash the Slackers”

I recommend combining the previous step with this step every single time.

So instead of sending the girl your 3 Dig Deeper questions within the normal eHarmony process. You instead skip to the eHarmony mail and send those same questions. (Example email below)

Women are very interested in your answers to their 3 questions. So you’re still answering them but you’re making it more interesting and doing something no other guy is doing. You’re also shortening the long process and making that first email come very easily. Now you don’t have to wonder how to start the conversation. This email does it for you.

Here is the sample eHarmony email to send when you skip this step:

Now you need to send the next few emails & get her phone number. This is where my 3×5 email system comes in. See item #2 in the quick-action homework below.

Your Quick-Action Homework for a great date
in less than 7 days on eHarmony:

  1. Sign-up to eHarmony – Here is the special registration page where you can try it for free. If you use this guide you will want to continue the membership so use this (2015 Discount Promo Code : EHCODE12)
  2. Follow this guide you just read when contacting the women you’re interested in & you’ll have a date with an amazing girl this week.