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A Reddit user recovering from sexual reassignment surgery expressed immense regret in Reddit’s r/AskTransgender subreddit and was largely given the cold shoulder by the pro-surgery community, causing the user to delete his account.

I have seen some REALLY convincing transgender women. Hormone therapy, breast implants, and even a surgically created vagina. If she looks like a woman, talks like a woman, walks like a woman, smells like a woman, and has all the lady parts, why does how she was born matter?

Many of the comments suggest this type of misery is natural and to be expected, and suggest the user should give it more time, in spite of the user describing his current emotions as “in the limit, totally fucked up, handicaped [sic],” showing a blatant disregard for the mental condition of a user who was apparently quite popular on the subreddit.

I matched with a Trans woman like a week ago. She opened by asking me to buy her an apple watch after telling me she was Trans. I was 100% a jerk in response. There has been a lot of discussion lately about transgender people, specifically about whether you are transphobic or not if you have a “preference” against dating trans people. I don't think of trans men like this at all, i am sorry if it came across that way but that's not what i believe or feel is the reason for dating trans men at all. I just have a more immediate understanding with trans men because we are both trans, when i have to explain and justify my transness to cis men, but other than that they are literally no different, but that immediate sense of.

Other users tried to comfort the original poster while reminding him that he made the right decision, and sexual reassignment surgery is a wonderful thing to be celebrated by all.

Trans Dating Reddit

When one user pointed out that sexual reassignment surgery may not help everyone with gender dysphoria, users were quick to downvote the comment, and one pro-surgery user denied the other user’s opinion wholesale, even though the anti-surgery user was simply expressing a desire for more therapy and information being provided before something as radical as surgery were attempted.

At least one user had the good sense to say what everyone coming across this story is undoubtedly thinking.

The suicide rate for transgender individuals is a staggeringly high 46%, and those who complete sexual reassignment surgery suffer from an even higher rate than those who do not.

Even worse, studies suggest the majority of transgender individuals will “age out” of transgenderism with time and therapy.

It is unknown what lead the original poster to delete the account. We can only hope he was able to find actual help outside of the Reddit community that led him to mutilate his body and greeted him coldly when he admitted to regrets.


Read the entire thread here.

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